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Mayor’s Office of Religious Affairs Campaign Flyer for
School Governance Charter Amendment
June 13, 2000

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June 13, 2000

Dear Pastor:

On behalf of Mayor Anthony A. Williams, I would like to extend warm greetings and a heartfelt thank you in advance for your participation in the circulation of the Mayor's "School Board Report Card" flyer. We know this is short notice however, this effort is. most critical. Therefore, we would be most appreciative if you would circulate this flyer in your Sunday bulletins, display on your church bulletin boards and announce the significance of the "Education Referendum" during your Sunday worship services.

The Mayor is committed to bringing accountability, efficiency, much needed resources and hope to all of our DC Public Schools. As you can see from the report card our children are failing and we need to take a stand to change this immediately! Please join along with the Mayor, parents, PTA members and concerned citizens from across the city: Please "Vote Yes" on June 27, to bring change, competent leadership and a bright new beginning in the lives of our children.

If you have questions, concerns or need additional information please feel free to contact the Religious Affairs Office on 202-727-1751.


Rev. Donald Robinson
Mayor's Office of Religious Affairs

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School Board Report Card

Name: DC School Board

Lowering the dropout rate F
Promoting academic excellence F
Repairing school buildings F
Getting parents involved. F
Bickering and playing politics A+
Comments: Despite repeated warnings, continues to bicker and play politics. Board lacks direction, focus, and accountability. In danger of being held back for the academic year. Needs immediate change for performance to improve. Emergency parent teacher conference required.

We need a school board that puts our children first, not their own elections.

The current system has failed. We need change now.

Join parents, teachers, students, the city's top elected leaders and PTA members from across the city:

June 27

Accountability Now
Leadership Now
Change Now
Our children can't wait any longer.

Vote Yes

Paid for by the New School Leadership Committee, Bill Lightfoot Treasurer 1443 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE

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