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The School Governance Charter Amendment Act of 2000

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Proposed Charter Amendment III

"The School Governance Charter Amendment Act of 2000"

This Charter Amendment, if passed, would amend The Home Rule Act by:

  • Reducing the number of Members of the Board of Education from 11 to 9;
  • Combining eight election wards to create four new school election districts;
  • Allowing voters to elect four Members from new school election districts;
  • Allowing voters to elect one Member at-large as Board President; and
  • Allowing the Mayor to appoint four Members to be confirmed by the City Council.

The Charter Amendment will allow the Board to hire, evaluate and remove the Superintendent, establish personnel policies for hiring principals, and approve an annual budget. This Amendment allows the City Council to create a state education agency, and directs that the provision for the make-up of the new Board and the school election districts will end in four years. Thereafter, the selection and size of the Board shall be made according to local law.

The language above is the ballot description of City Council Bill 13-469. If the Charter Amendment is approved by the voters, this Bill will be enacted into law.

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