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Ceremonial Resolution to Honor District of Columbia Police Chief
An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute
May 3, 2000

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Councilmember Kathy Patterson
Councilmember Jim Graham


May 3, 2000

AMENDMENT OFFERED BY Councilmembers Patterson and Graham

TO A Ceremonial Resolution to Honor District of Columbia Police Chief

VERSION: Introduced

Strike: in its entirety


To recognize District of Columbia Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey, the Metropolitan Police Department, and employees of the Office of Emergency Preparedness, the Department of Public Works, and the Department of Fire and Emergency Medical Services on their efforts to secure public safety during the Spring meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in the District of Columbia, and to recommend a public airing of lessons learned from that effort.

Whereas, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank held their Spring 2000 meetings on April 16 and 17 at their headquarters in the District of Columbia; and

Whereas thousands of individuals desiring to express their views on pressing world issues and their opposition to the policies of the international organizations came to the District of Columbia in order to express their views; and

Whereas a majority of public events and demonstrations took place without incident and without loss of life or serious damage to property; and

Whereas there have been claims made by District residents and visitors that certain rights to assembly, freedom of movement and speech, and the right to speedy processing following arrest may have been violated and therefore these claims should receive a public airing; and

Whereas the experiences of the District of Columbia during this period can be instructive to other communities around the country and the world;

Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the District of Columbia recognizes the comprehensive effort to maintain the public safety on the part of the District of Columbia government employees, expresses its appreciation of that effort, and recommends a public airing of issues including lessons learned from the events of April 16 and 17, 2000.

This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.

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