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Mental Health Service Delivery Reform Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2001
PR 14-370

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Councilmember Sandra C. (Sandy) Allen


To declare the existence of an emergency, with respect to the need to approve the " Mental Health Service Delivery Reform Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2001 ".

RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the "Mental Health Service Delivery Reform Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2001 ".

Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia finds that:

(1) The "Mental Health Service Delivery Reform Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2001" must be passed to avoid a gap in legal authority. The Department of Mental Health Establishment Emergency Amendment Act of 2001 is expiring on 10-21-01 and permanent bill 14-136, " Mental Health Service Delivery Reform Act of 2001" is not projected to become law until 1-15-02.

Section 3. The Council of the District of Columbia determines that the circumstances enumerated in section 2 constitute emergency circumstances making it necessary that "Mental Health Service Delivery Reform Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2001" be adopted after a single reading.

Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.

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