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Kalonji T. Olusegun, Umoja candidate for
Shadow Representative in the
November 7, 2000, General Election

Mailing, October 12, 2000

P. 0. Box 90604

Tel & Fax: 202.723.0472 E-Mail: kalonji4Congress@aol.com

12 October 2000

Dear Friends & Supporters:

We realize this is short notice, but it is important enough in our struggle for justice and equality, freedom and self-governance for you to make a special effort to join us.

Kalonji Olusegun [Vince Godwin], a resident of the District of Columbia for more than 26 years, now living in Woodridge, is running for Shadow Representative as the Umoja Party candidate. He will use his considerable knowledge, expertise and experience to lobby Congress for Self-Governance (Home Rule) for the District and the passage of HR 40, [a reparations bill introduced by Congressman John Conyers every year for the past 11 years]. Kalonji will establish the non-profit organization allowed by Congress to fund staff and to provide a budget for providing effective representation. Kalonji is committed to keeping us regularly informed so we may be pro-active in legislation that effects our lives here in Washington, D.C.

If you support self-determination for the citizens of the District of Columbia, and if you support reparations for past injury and continued discrimination of people of African descent, then we ask you to support Kalonji for Congress.

We need your financial support. We need your endorsement. We need your vote. And, if you can spare the time, we need your energy. We meet daily in Ward 4, and you can contact us and let us know when you will be available. There will be a "Meet & Greet" Fund Raiser on October 20, 2000 at 5735 "27th" Street, NW, but don't wait until the 20th, call us now.

Please attend, bring a friend and, bring your checkbook. Tell your friends and neighbors to split their vote, turn the ballot over and pull lever on #3 for United States Representative at the bottom of the card on November 7th. Let's send Kalonji to Congress as your U.S. (Shadow) Representative.

For Our People,

Gilda Sherrod Ali,
Chairman, Committee to elect Kalonji for Congress

P.S.: Kalonji is a Lincoln University alumni; a Member of Omega Psi Phi; a Korean War Veteran, He now serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Family & Medical Services in NE and Chairman of the Board of the Ad Hoc Committee for DC Youth in NW. The last eleven (11) years have been spent on N'COBRA's Board of Directors first as Co-Chair and now as Treasurer and Spokesman; he represented N'COBRA at the 1999 United Nations Commission On Human Rights, in Geneva, Switzerland intervening on behalf of the suffering of Africans in America because of-the unrelenting persistence of racism in all segments of American life. He was a Board Member of the DC Prevention Partnership representing Ward 1 . He has served as Deputy Director of the New York City Youth Board's, Street Gang Project and as Director of Volunteers In Service To America, VISTA for the federal Mid-Atlantic Region. He was President of Local 1509 & an Organizer for AFSCME; President of Action's Employees Local; and for five (5) years was moderator of the historical "Morning Reading Theater" on Pacifica Radio station - WPFW, 89.3FM, from 1979-1985.

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Self Government in D.C.

Full representation in Congress (3-votes)
Mass action on Congress' DC Oversight Committees
Abolish the Control Board
Reparations for African Americans
Self-Determination / Budget & Legis. Autonomy
Hold Local Elected Officials Accountable
Increase ANC authority; provide Local Low Power FM
Support for Taxing at the Source
Reverse the Privatization of Public Services

Housing in D.C.

Code enforcement to prevent condemnation
Rent Control and Tenants Rights of "First Buy"
Protect Landlords and tenants from each other and abusive regulations
Stop closing of section 8 properties and increase the number of available slots
Creation of affordable housing for low/middle class residents to limit Regentrification and the forcing of people into high cost housing/living or exodus

Criminal Justice in D.C.

Pressure for Solving the many Unsolved Murders
Maintain Non-Mandatory Drug Sentencing in D.C.
Eliminate Private Prison Industry (CCA) in D.C.
Create a Citizen's Parole Board
Effective Community Police Review Boards
Constantly Prohibit the Death Penalty in D.C.

Education in D.C.

Reinstate an all elected/effectively monitored School Board
Include Afro-Centric curriculum in Public Schools
Full use of school buildings until 11:00 pm
School uniforms/smaller class sizes
Support vocational education in D.C. Public Schools
Support and increase funding for UDC and
Secure Van Ness Site.

Healthcare in D.C.

Comprehensive prevention education
Natural health education and licensed providers
Universal Healthcare coverage
Preserve D.C. General Hospital and free health services for the indigent and needy
Model Healthcare system

Seniors in D.C.

Support for Senior Veterans and their Families
Cut pension taxes
Cut prescription drug costs
Provide free comprehensive health care
Provide supplemental transportation
Introduce legislation to protect seniors from exposure to unethical contracts
Provide low cost housing and assisted living facilities
Stop predatory lending practices

Environment in D.C.

Get the lead paint out and help the affected
Clean air and water enforcement
Litter Law enforcement
Enforce maintenance of city storm drains
Stop government waste by privatization and contracting out services

Affirmative Action in D. C.

Reparations instead of band-aid programs
Enforce Affirmative Action, fair distribution of city contracts to African Americans
Enforce hiring laws (especially for residents)
Provide incubator programs for African American contractors
Reinstate Resident Requirements for District Government Jobs

and last but, not least - REPARATIONS

The African race is an India rubber ball; the harder you dash it to the ground, the higher it will rise.
- Bantu -

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Hotep, My name is Kalonji Tor Olusegun

I am a New Afrikan. A member of the people known to,be the oldest spirits on this planet, Africans are trained to honor the Creator first, so let me start with this understanding: We are One, part of the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Eternal Being in whose image we were created. Whether We like it or not, what one of us does effects us all. And conversely what We do effects each of Us.

UMOJA, a term we often use only at Kwanzaa, is a term that governs my life - the concept of UNITY!!!


And, because I am from an extended Family Society, the first generation (so called) citizen of a branch of which was not held enslaved in these United States, (having been enslaved in the Carribean), I am running for SHADOW Representative, not just for You, but of You, everywhere they deal with You, and your welfare; for in Unity we are One, You and i.

One with the Creator
One with our homeland
One with our people here
One with all D.C.

And as One we can turn this racist greedy brutal madness around.

Because God is love; and we love ourselves, our city, our neighborhoods, families and individual personalities, we will change the conditions that bring blight to our spirits, our homes; our ambitions. The ambition and greed of the Corporate Complex (grown from a Virginia Tobacco Company and a Dutch West Indian Company to the IMF & W.T.O.) Controlling our lives, is to make this city into a Theme Park to attract tourists.

- Well Our Theme is Self-Determination. -

And we can win Self-Governance with a vote for me - Not for me Superman, me a Magician, me a Lone Ranger, A Batman; a vote for me is a vote for Yourself, for I am You and We made in the image of our Creator are One In UNITY. We'll do it together and win. I offer to share with you and make available to you:

70 years of Blackness - My white skinned relatives used to take me in their arms and call me their "Darling Ink Spot", so I've known and proudly worn my 'darling' Blackness before I could talk.

50 years of social activism - from sit-in at Oxford Theater, in Penna. 1949 to the past 11 years helping to move Reparations from a whispered scary thought to an everyday household word by working with N'COBRA.

43 years of expertise in managing municipal, state and federal social service programs, the first 11 of which were with gang youths , 7 years of Union leadership and representative work, followed by 5 years as director of the Mid-Atlantic Region for America's Domestic Peace Corps, VISTA.

42 years sharing Natural Health and Spiritual Development practices and modalities.

One year of daily picketing the South African Embassy with four arrests to end Apartheid there, and

40 years of community activism against the Apartheid here.

6 years sharing information with you on WPFW on Noon Time Notes and Morning Reading Theater,

as Vince Godwin

But, it's the last dozen years experience that can offer the most help in our struggle for Justice and Self-Governance. We have made Reparations to become a household word around the world through the efforts of little people, Us. Sororities, Fraternities, local & national organizations, state & local governments, and organizations like the NAACP have joined in Supporting HR-40, John Conyer's "Reparations Study Bill", celebrities too are joining the Reparations Movement band wagon.

That's some of what I have to share and use as we move as One in Unity. The time is ripe and We can even get national and international support for our struggle to free D.C. We can get the Control Board and Reactionary Congress off our backs and out of our pockets. We can stop this city of ours from placing profit above people - Fear above Love - Exploitation above Caring - Backwards Thinking

we can set it right

We can put PEOPLE above Profit - LOVE above Fear - CARING far above exploitation
We can do in two years for DC, what N'COBRA has done in eleven years for REPARATIONS

We can make a Free D.C. a household understanding being born.

P.O. Box 90604, Wash., D.C. 20090 E-Mail: Kalonji4Congress@aol.com Tel: 202.723.0472

Committee to Elect Kalonji for Congress, Treasurer Johnathan Hutto

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