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August 8, 2002

There’s Politics

Dear Politicos:

Normally, after so many issues of themail that have been so heavily political, I would be calling for a respite, and begging for someone to write about something else. But it is just a month until the primary election, and we'll all have to bear up for a little while longer. There are a number of races and a lot of candidates who still haven't been mentioned in themail, either positively or negatively, yet. What's the best reason you have to vote for or against anybody who is either on or off the ballot?

By the way, is this the best time for me to announce that I'm running for mayor, or should I wait until after I've finished changing my name to “None of the Above?”

Gary Imhoff 


Susan Knopf McPeck, 

I learned and sang the song, "Washington, the Fairest City in the Greatest Land of All" in the third grade at Phoebe Hearst Elementary School in Washington, DC. I am now 58 years old and still remember all of the words to the song, which is what prompted me to look it up on the Internet []. Does anyone else know it?


Fixed the Problem, Now Fix the Blame
Ed T. Barron, 

Now that the DC Appeals Court has upheld the Board of Elections' ruling that there were serious violations and crimes committed in collecting signatures on Mayor Williams primary campaign petitions, it is timely for the DC prosecutor to punish those who put the mayor in the hole he is in. Even the embarrassed and outraged Mayor Williams should be calling for the heads of those who sabotaged the Mayor's attempt to get on the primary ballot as a Democratic candidate. The affidavit on the bottom of every petition form is most clear that those collecting signatures must have witnessed every signature and that the petition collector is a registered voter who lives at the address he signs in at. The penalties for fraud and abuse are very clear. Just below the signature block is this statement: “WARNING: If you sign this statement even though you know it is untrue, you can be convicted and fined up to $10000 and/or jailed for up to five years.”

If we are to prevent these south Chicago shady shenanigans in future elections here in DC, then we should go after the perps (there's a mountain of hard evidence) and jail those folks (Bishops, et al.) for fraud and election abuse. The Mayor has the opportunity to do something proactive here. Let's see if he does.


Tony the Bow-tied, Two-faced, Paranoid, Great Satan? Give Me a Break!
Len Sullivan, 

From my viewpoint, the longer and more bitter the tirades against DC's mayor become, the less credible themail's reporting appears. While its initial probe into registration irregularities made good watchdogging, trying to turn the mayor into the Ultimate Evil is somewhere between irrational and sick. Anyone who reads the appeal by the mayor's lawyers to the BoEE will find they have several reasonable arguments, quite in keeping with the current US legal system and the right of appeal. There is nothing duplicitous about the mayor's legal team trying to make the case that he was certified as having more than the minimum required valid signatures, and that the Board strayed from sound legal practice by overriding it.

To deride the mayor two weeks ago, our philosophic leader used a quote from Hofstadter to the effect that people who can't differentiate between treason and "a comedy of errors or a museum of incompetence" have a worrisome paranoid imagination. But this seems to apply more to the accusers than to the mayor. Have I missed the issues of 'themail' in which the actions and motivations of the Bishop clan were exhaustively vetted? Does anyone honestly believe they were hired to generate fake signatures/affidavits? If not an act of incomprehensible familial stupidity, who would benefit from jeopardizing the mayor's reelection campaign? Why not suspect sabotage? There's plenty of other slander going on. Election 'dirty tracks' are a fact of American political life. Has themail (or any of the media) done anything to demonstrate that the Bishop clan is moronic rather than demonic? Looks to me like this watchdog howls but won't hunt!

[Today, the DC Court of Appeals found that the Mayor's legal argument was wrong on every count. The decision is available at The Board of Elections and Ethics has already made several referrals to the US Attorney for criminal investigation and possible prosecution. Some of those referred are undoubtedly villains and some (the younger Bishops and Ann Lewis) are more victims than villains. But the US Attorney's office is the right place to conduct a real investigation. It has ability to offer immunity and plea bargains in exchange for testimony, and may therefore be able to discover what really went on in the Williams campaign. In the meantime, anyone who claims that the Mayor's campaign was sabotaged by the vast anti-Tony-wing conspiracy has a responsibility to suggest who was involved and how they slipped those fraudulent petitions past the innocent, duped campaign officials and candidate. I could spend my time hunting down the sabotage conspiracy, but I'd be more likely to be successful hunting for Bigfoot in Rock Creek Park. — Gary Imhoff]


The Mayor’s House
John Whiteside, john at logancircle dot net 

I'm sick of hearing the mayor criticized for not owning his home. The implication seems to be that if you don't own your home, you're not really involved in the city. That snobbish sentiment is a slap in the face to the many DC residents who rent their homes. Aren't they real Washingtonians? I guess those who lack the inclination or financial resources to purchase a home in this overheated real estate market should be considered second-class citizens — at least according to a number of themail readers.

Of course, we can criticize the mayor for being dumb on this count. Had he bought a home when he took office, it would probably have increased significantly in value. Of course, then we'd have to nail him for making money off of gentrification.


Moving Out
Bryce A Suderow, 

When people talk to me about Mayor Anthony Williams' administration, they keep telling me: “Well at least he's not Marion Barry.” The implication is that things are better under Williams. Tell that to a friend of mine who has lived and worked on Capitol Hill for years. One of the local homeless people threatened her life after she objected to his p***ing and s***ing on her property. The US Attorney won't touch the case because it's not high profile. The police won't arrest him. She appealed for help to the offices of both Mayor Anthony Williams and Councilmember Sharon Ambrose, but they did nothing. She is afraid for her life so after all these years of living with a dysfunctional city government, she is going to move out. Living under the Barry administration did not drive her out. But Williams did. This perfectly sums up the state of the District. Local residents who work for a living live in fear while the thugs reign.

Another incident also sums up the state of the city. A while ago, there was a fire in SE Capitol Hill. Both of the hose trucks at the neighborhood fire station were in the shop. So the firemen had to use a garden hose to douse the flames.

[I apologize for the censorship of the above vulgarities; I'm constitutionally against it. But more and more corporations, and a few individuals, are using message blocking software that is dumb and inflexible, and that bounces back issues of themail with more than the mildest curse words. — Gary Imhoff]


Public Actions Are an Indicator of Private Conduct
Larry Seftor, 

Marquais Smith complains that critics of Mayor Williams carp about a legal “formality” when we should be looking at his overall performance. The same logic, of course, could be applied to many politicians. As attractive as it sounds, this reasoning is flawed.

Although public figures have a public role, the majority of their actions, in fact, are conducted in private. We don't know how Mayor Williams conducts the business of mayor in his private sessions. We don't know how he selects nonpublic staff to do his work. We don't know the type of guidance he provides and we don't know how he checks the work that is being done in his name by his office. The result is that actions that might have significant and long term consequences, albeit with no immediate impact, are hidden from us. The only way we can judge his competence to perform is to examine, under a microscope, his public actions. Collecting signatures for a petition may seem mundane, but it is a test that we in the electorate have a right and a responsibility to use as we judge the suitability of candidates for office.

Incidentally, I love Marquais Smith's term “formality.” It is perfect for that pesky law that one just feels that one should not have to obey. We should all remember it for that next time that we are put out by, for example, a traffic law, or a building code, or any other of those inconvenient laws.


A Disappointing Campaign Poster from James Clark
Bob Summersgill, 

I just saw a rather disappointing campaign poster from one of the four Democratic candidates for Mayor who managed to collect 2000 valid signatures. It speaks for itself:

James Clark
A Strong Mayor for Black Citizens
DC Government Jobs for Black Citizens
Say No to Campaign Forgery
Williams is a Stooge for White Ward 3


Before You Vote, Visit Candidate for Mayor’s Web Site
Sharon Clifton, Visit Arthur H. Jackson for Mayor.


Redistricting and Voting
Gregory Ferrell, 

Recently many voters who were redistricted into other wards have discovered that the Board of Elections has failed to informed the voters as to where they should vote. In Ward Six, the Board has deleted from the voters list the names of all registered voters on the west side of 19th Street from C Street to the 600 block. The west side of 19th Street is still a part of Ward Six. Along with the current corruption in our election process, the Ward redistricting will cause many voters to be hindered from voting.

Also, how can the Mayor issue stamps to voters with his name for a write-in election? I was under the impression that write in votes are those who wrote the name of a person and that voter's signatures distinguish that voter's vote from others. With a preprinted stamp with Anthony Tony Williams name on it, how can we the citizens be assured that the vote cast is from one individual voter and not the same person?


Mayor Williams and the DMV
Faith Williams, 

I did find my renewal of license and registration to be the easiest ever. People were pleasant. I have used to good effect the ombudsperson to get hold of numbers that were not responding. My quality of life on the whole has gone up under Mayor Williams's regime.

He does seem ignorant about politics, but I don't really mind that.


The DMV Inspection Station
Alan Abrams, Tacoma DC, 

Re: Pete Ross's message on the DMV Inspection Station. Once again, with or without the cameras, DC does not have to maintain and staff this expensive facility; rather it should delegate vehicle inspections to the private sector. It should license local service stations so citizens can have inspections performed in their own neighborhoods. Repairs, when needed, could then be performed on the spot, instead of requiring extra trips for repair and reinspection. Plus local businesses would get a boost.

This issue goes to a core problem of the District government: failure to delegate responsibility wisely.


Change of Address at the DMV
Annie McCormick, 

I went this morning at 9:30 to the Courthouse to get my driver's license changed to reflect my new address. The form was a little confusing, as it stated “renewal” or “duplicate,” and then right underneath that question it stated “is the renewal or duplicate a result of change of address” and then further down “Do you have a current license and for what state.” Does a duplicate mean you have lost your license and need a replacement or that you can actually carry around two licenses?

I managed to get out of there in an hour. The operator even asked me if I wanted a number different from my SS#, to which I stated yes, and she made it so. She said I could ask the photographer if my old photo was on file to use it (it was not). The downsides: 1) I have gained some weight and when I filled out the form to reflect that, my new license came back with my weight of four years ago 2) The DMV stated that licenses are now good for five years, yet when I got mine it showed it was good for four years, although the new license expires on my birthday, which is a good way to do it. 3) Even though I am an organ donor, I do not see where that is noted. All in all, I'd give the experience a B+.


Strange Occurrences at the DMV Inspection Station (Part 2)
Pete Ross, 

As a Democratic Candidate for Shadow Senator, I continued to campaign at the inspection station on August 5 and 6. 1) Mr. Fuller (an employee of the DMV) came from the DMV in his truck and parked it on I Street (close to Delaware Avenue), blocking the inspection line and causing cars in the inspection line behind his truck to have to pull dangerously into oncoming traffic to get around his parked truck. When I suggested to him to move his truck across the street, he told me to mind my own business. Using my cell phone in his presence, I called 911 to report this dangerous situation. He then decided to park his truck on the other side of I Street.

2) At approximately 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, August 6, I noted Mr. King (a manager at the DMV inspection station) talking and joking with seven DMV employees and three police officers for twenty minutes at the corner of I and Delaware Streets, SW, which is two blocks from the DMV. I went to Mr. King and suggested that he and the other seven DMV employees assist residents in line waiting to have their cars inspected. The group disbanded and began to provide assistance to customers waiting to have their cars inspected. 3) Five minutes later, Officer Carroll (Badge #1800) told me that I should not campaign as I had been (in the same manner as all of the other candidates) because I was creating a traffic hazard. Many political candidates campaign and get petitions signed at the DMV inspection station. I was campaigning in the same manner as the other candidates who were there on Tuesday, August 6, and in the exact same manner as other candidates have campaigned at the DMV station for many years. I spoke to twelve other political candidates who have campaigned in the same manner as I have, and none of them has ever been told to stop doing what I was doing at the DMV station.

The moral of this story is that if people point out shortcomings at the DMV Inspection station, they can expect police harassment.


Justice Clarence Thomas
George Taylor, 

Quite possibly the most prominent and influential African American government official here in Washington is Justice Clarence Thomas [mentioned in posting by Marquais Smith in the last issue of themail]. I think the following new article about him is educational: 

As welfare benefits are now running out for many of us here in DC, the following excerpt seems worth noting: "If there's anything America knows about Justice Clarence Thomas's sister, it's that he once singled her out publicly as an illustration of what welfare dependence can foster. She is so dependent, Thomas told The Washington Post in 1980, “she gets mad when the mailman is late with her welfare check . . . What's worse is that now her kids feel entitled to the check, too. They have no motivation for doing better or getting out of that situation” (ME: or for demanding long overdue legal reforms that bloated bureaucracies still predictably resent).

Meanwhile, where official favors overtly benefiting ANY race are concerned, the article quotes Justice Thomas as saying “[t]here can be no doubt that racial paternalism and its unintended consequences can be as poisonous and pernicious as any other form of discrimination. (Adarand Constructors v. Pena).” (ME: such as using photogenic African American temporary beneficiaries of wasteful government programs to make altruistic reformers somehow seem racist). Justice Thomas is certainly not without his controversies. Those who reject the notion of a necessarily big government amidst our record high $6 trillion dollar national debt ( often spark a lot of debate and even anger, in fact. It's hard not to appreciate how he has kept in mind Malcolm X's clever insights as communicated in his early 1960's speech “The Ballot or the Bullet” however. Malcolm said “if one political party is your enemy then the other doesn't have to try nearly as hard to be your friend.” How does that sound? I wonder if I'm the ONLY one who has noticed that none of the DEMOCRATS' presidential or vice presidential candidates for 2004 is African American. Perhaps Justice Thomas realizes some things that some of us still try to deny?


Quick Response
Ed T. Barron, edtb@aoldotcom 

Last week I called George Washington University to report a safety hazard at the school on Foxhall Road at the intersection of Whitehaven Parkway. GWU had placed some temporary signs on the northwest corner advertising a summer tennis camp. Unfortunately that corner is a very hazardous corner in the morning and evening travel hours. It is a very dicey proposition getting northbound onto Foxhall from Whitehaven since cars are coming south very quickly and down a blind curve. The GWU signs merely exacerbated the problem. A day and a half after a call to the Safety folks at GWU resolved the problem. They moved the signs to where they have no impact on visibility North or South.

Interestingly, though, the morning after I called in the problem to GWU there was a cop with a radar gun lurking behind those very signs to catch early morning speeders on this 25 MPH road. As usual I was closely tailed by someone with a cell phone in one hand making frustrating and rude gestures with the other hand. That morning I surely saved a few folks from getting a ticket.


Kathy Patterson’s Response to Term Limits
Marc Battle, 

In her recent post to themail, Councilmember Patterson explained that she believes that term limits restrict the right to vote and violate the Constitution. It might be instructive for Ms. Patterson to realize that the Constitution itself authorizes term limits for the presidency under the 22nd Amendment, Section 1 -- so I doubt that the District's attempt at the same would be deemed unconstitutional.


Term Limits: A Rejoinder to Councilmember Patterson
Lars Hydle, 

It's true that Council Member Patterson correctly voted in 1995, her first year in office, against raising the campaign contribution limits imposed by the voters in Initiative #41; that she opposed term limits in her 1994 campaign and since; that the limitation on more than two consecutive terms would not have taken effect until 2004 or, if she were reelected this time, not until 2006 for her. Still I must take issue with her statement that “had the matter been put to voters, I believe term limits would have been overturned.” I know of no evidence that the voters had changed their minds since imposing term limits in 1994, or even that Councilmembers thought they had. When the Council Committee on Government Operations held hearings on the term limits repeal bill in March 2001, 30 witnesses testified against the bill, only two for it. Nine Council members, including Patterson, voted against Councilmember Fenty's amendment making the bill a charter amendment that would have had to be approved by the voters, which indicates that they did not want to find out what the voters thought.

Patterson's statement that it would have been irresponsible “to 'punt' the issue back to the voters in a costly special election” is extremely lame since it was the Council who chose to bring up repeal in 2001 even though term limits would not take effect until 2004; if they respected the voters but wanted to avoid extra costs, they could have brought it up this year so that the vote would have been during the primary or the general election.

Councilmembers should be particularly reticent about overturning voter initiatives when they have such a blatant conflict of interest, and are the principal beneficiaries of their own actions. They should show more respect to DC voters, their own constituents, than the Congress does. Councilmember Patterson is right that the voters have “term limited” Councilmembers in recent years by defeating them in regular elections. Ward 3 voters can, and should, do that to her this year.


Friendship Heights Development
Laurence Freedman, 

Richard and Natalie: I am part of the Friendship Heights group that is vigorously opposing the proposed development for the Washington Clinic site (FhORD), and I just read your thoughtful comments on this issue posted to themail. Of course the concept of Transit Oriented Development makes sense, and I believe in it. It doesn't mean, though, that high-rises should be built within 2500 feet of every Metro station in DC. If it does mean that, lots of us should sell our houses and move now. The key question is how much increased density makes sense, especially when the transit stations are in well established, stable neighborhoods. Too much density, too much height, no preserved green space, no integration with the neighborhood, etc., will destabilize the neighborhood, and is not smart. The Chair of the Zoning Commission, in fact, said that she was on the Mayor's task force on Transit Oriented Development, and that this Application is NOT an example of Transit Oriented Development, by a far cry, but instead is simply “give us more density.”

I urge you to focus on the facts, and then to carefully weigh the issue of this development in this neighborhood. The land is currently zoned at the highest level of any residential land in Tenleytown to Friendship Heights. It is part of Ward 3 in DC, not Friendship Heights Maryland or Ballston. As a matter of right development, under current law, on the Washington Clinic site (just less than 1 acre) a developer could build 76 or so apartments or 30-40 town homes, which is the typical urban infill development for this sort of land. All of the New Urbanism and Smart Growth literature talks about getting communities to accept "dense" housing, usually around 40 units/acre. This density is as high or higher than the maximum residential density planned for the new Takoma plan. Our community would not oppose matter-of-right development. Further, matter-of-right development would support the DC tax base as much as the proposed rental apartment building, plus it would encourage longtime DC residents, like me, to stay.

I am not a NIMBY, and I don't oppose reasonable development -- within the law and integrated with the character of the neighborhood, even if considerably more dense than the neighborhood. There are developers who strongly agree with this, and who are salivating over the opportunity to do such development on this beautiful piece of land. If Friendship Heights DC is destined to become like Friendship Heights Maryland, and I am destined to live in the shadow of a high rise or behind its parking lot, I am moving. It just can't be the case that, as this developer argues, if you live in DC within a 1/2 mile of a Metro station, you can't have a reasonable expectation that zoning laws will be complied with --- or changed through a public planning process, not through “spot zoning” of one private parcel. I urge you to consider the facts, and to read our material at


Friendship Heights Development
Richard Layman, 

I should have said specifically in what I wrote, that I didn't mean that a Ballston-type development was necessarily appropriate on that piece of land. On the other hand, six new row houses near the Tenleytown Metro, instead of more, seems to make little sense. I agree in the need for green space, but often, and I think this pertains to Takoma Park, the urban area can handle more buildings. I will say that apartment buildings on Connecticut Avenue seem to do okay, and that a development like that directly on a major arterial road, close to Metro, is likely to reduce the number of cars that would normally come from 200+ apartments, and it maybe isn't such a bad thing — it may not have the same kind of impact on a neighborhood of single family homes and town homes that you believe.

As you know better than I, there are a number of high rises on Wisconsin Avenue in the Maryland part of Friendship Heights. I still think we have to watch out for exceptionalism. In my neighborhood, I have pointed out that the parking lot on the corner of my block could be appropriately developed as a mixed-use taller building, even though such development could impinge upon my property, particularly with regard to sun. Nonetheless, if I believe in the general principles I espoused in that post, then I have to mention that, so as to not be hypocritical. Nonetheless, you have done a great job with your website.


Who the Tree People Really Are
Sheila Hogan, 

We would like to address a comment made by Lea Adams in an August 4 post entitled “Tree People” claiming that no DC youth were involved in the DC Trees Inventory project. GCA Casey Trees understands the value of fostering leadership qualities in DC’s youth and is committed to this goal. The assertion that GCA Casey Trees has no local students participating in the DC Tree Inventory is simply inaccurate. The DC Trees Inventory has been an extraordinary success, largely due to the more than 450 volunteers who committed their time and effort to make it happen. Every day 28-35 teams comprised of adult volunteers and/or DC public high school students hit the DC streets to assess the health and condition of street trees, with each team covering 100-plus trees per day. The teams were under the leadership and supervision of a university intern chosen from a nationwide pool of talented students, and were selected for their perceived ability to make the final call with regard to species identification, disease diagnosis, site and soil analysis, and other technical decisions.

With regard to DC youth, we trained and supervised 22 public high school students hired through the Department of Employment Service’s “Passport to Work” program, as well as 15 local youth participating in the Earth Conservation Corps' Eagle Corps program. They learned an enormous amount through participating in the DC Trees Inventory project — from tree biology and science to the “latest and greatest” in GIS data collection and environmental analysis technology. These local youth also contributed a great deal to the DC Trees Inventory — both by way of assisting with the tree and site analysis, and by facilitating communications with residents of their home neighborhoods.

I invite you, Ms. Adams, and all the readers of themail who are concerned about restoring and enhancing the District's tree canopy, to join GCA Casey Trees, Urban Forestry Administration, USDA Forest Service and community leaders to an August 15th presentation celebrating the finale of our Street Tree Inventory at the National Building Museum. This presentation will inform you of the process, results, and next steps of the Tree Inventory project. The program will also focus on recognition of all the participants, paid or volunteer, local or not, young or old, who contributed to this effort of unprecedented scale. (For details on the August 15, 2002, Street Tree Inventory Finale and for more information on GCA Casey Trees, please visit 


Tree People: We’re Not All Blonde Teenagers from Montana
Lorie Leavy, 

As a community volunteer for the DC tree inventory being conducted by the Casey Trees Endowment Fund, I wanted to respond to Lea Adams’ posting and correct her mistaken impression about “tree people.” My understanding is that teams have most typically consisted of one college intern assisted by one or two adult community volunteers and/or DC high school students (or, in some cases, AmeriCorps or EagleCorps volunteers). I don’t know the number of high school students who have participated, but I was told by one of the interns I worked with that most have been bright, involved, and extremely helpful. Like the adult volunteers, they received several hours of classroom training plus a half-day of instruction in the field in preparation for this summer’s inventory of street trees. Casey Trees had the option of contracting out the inventory work to professional arborists, but they intentionally structured the project to include teenage and adult volunteers in order to develop a base of expertise and commitment that would remain in the community after the inventory was completed.

As for the condescension Ms. Adams thought she detected, I can only offer that from my own experience the best response to curious (and sometimes hostile) inquiries has been to keep it short. With 200-300 trees to survey in a day’s work, there just isn’t time to give in-depth explanations to the many questions received, so sometimes the responses might sound a little canned or simplistic.


August is District of Columbia Voting Rights Month in Hawaii
Mark David Richards, Dupont East, 

Statehood Shadow Representative Ray Browne (DC), in his effort to demonstrate national support for equal Congressional voting rights for DC, has secured a Proclamation from the Governor of Hawaii, as follows: “Whereas, the right to self-government through the election of representatives to the national legislature is a fundamental characteristic of a free people and the founding principle of the United States; and Whereas the citizens of the District of Columbia willingly accept the burdens of United States citizenship, paying higher taxes per capita than the citizens of all but one state, serving in every American war and being among the first to be called to serve in the war against terrorism; and Whereas the District of Columbia contains over 500,000 citizens who pay approximately five billion dollars annually in local tax revenues, plus 2.5 billion dollars in federal taxes; and Whereas, Washington, DC's local budget is paid for by its taxpayers despite the fact that 41 percent of its land is used by the federal government and cannot be taxed, and services provided to the federal government are not reimbursed except under extraordinary circumstances; and Whereas the United States Congress can override any local ordinance or resolution passed by the District of Columbia City Council; and Whereas, the citizens of the District of Columbia are denied their rights to full and effective representation in the United States Congress, where they are represented by a single, nonvoting delegate in the House of Representatives and have no delegate in the Senate; and Whereas the people of Hawaii urge the United States Congress to recognize and guarantee to the District of Columbia's citizens their fundamental right to voting representation; Now therefore, I, Benjamin J. Cayetano, Governor of the State of Hawaii, do hereby proclaim August, 2002, to be District of Columbia Voting Rights Month in Hawaii, and join citizens across the nation in supporting this important issue. Done, at the State Capitol, in the Executive Chambers, Honolulu, State of Hawaii, this sixteenth day of July, 2002.” (Note: The Governor's current residence is at Washington Place in Honolulu — see 

Recall that after Congress passed the 23rd Amendment on June 16, 1960, granting DC the right to vote for Presidential electors equal to the smallest state, Hawaii (which had become a state in August 1959) was the first state to ratify the DC amendment on June 23, 1960. In fact, Republicans and Democrats in that state rushed to beat the other to support DC first! As a state that is multiethnic with a nonwhite majority, Hawaii understands DC's situation from a unique perspective. It supported DC statehood in 1993. DC is lucky to have a loyal state/friend like Hawaii — thank you Hawaii! 



Meet and Greet Kathy Patterson
Ed T. Barron, 

Kathy Patterson will meet the folks from AU Park on Wednesday evening beginning at 7 p.m. The event will be held at 4743 Massachusetts Avenue, NW (diagonally across Mass. Ave. from Crate and Barrel). Bring your issues and questions and please RSVP to 244-6808.



Need Help With Your Computer Needs At Home Or In The Office?
Nick Chang, 

PC hardware/software installation and upgrades; maintenance, troubleshooting and network support; Back-up and archive your files and E-mail on CD-ROM; setup computer network for the small office; build customized database in Access or other programs; web training and web page development; Reasonable rates. Excellent references. 237-0130. 


DC-Based Small, Women, and Minority Business Wanted!
Bob Steinberg, 

Government contracts totaling more than $200 million will be issued in the next six months. Your business can acquire certification as a LSDBE Business. Ask about business plans and marketing. Contact The AHJ Group 271-5522.



Medicine Cabinet
Victoria McKernan, 

Pottery Barn Melrose style (summer bed and bath catalog, p. 61, or look it up online). Brand new, in box (slight defect, long story) Reg. $220.00, sell for $175.00 (or trade for my own “redneck boy toy”!)


Huge Multifamily Block Sale
Christina Gaspar, 

Bargain bonanza! Saturday, August 10, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., 3700 block of Warren Street, NW. Furniture, toys, books, CDs, tons of housewares and small home appliances, clothes (lots with tags), electronics, and more.



Moving Boxes
Buck Clarke, 

We have recently completed a household move, and have available free to a new home (preference will be given to a destination within the District!) dozens of nearly new moving boxes. The greatest number are of book size, which we found to be far and away the most useful, but there are also numerous other larger sized boxes which are convenient for bulkier, less dense items.

I'll also take this opportunity to give a plug for Liberty Movers. They are a local outfit composed of off-duty District firemen. They were courteous, quick, and we ended up with not a scratch or a single broken item (though the same could not be said for the male head of household, who promptly broke a plate on the kitchen floor!). Though not inexpensive, their charge was quite reasonable, and we think they were a very good value. Contact Jim Reilly at Liberty Movers, 301-607-8231.



Looking for a Good Dog Trainer
Faith Williams, 

Our dog Ms Ruby yaps horribly at the sight of other dogs. A trainer in Colorado says she's afraid; this may be true, but her fear includes the tiniest dogs you can imagine. Also, at the adoption fair where we found her, she was completely relaxed and calm looking amid many dogs. I know dog trainers are really people trainers, but we're not barking. Will anyone with suggestions please E-mail me at, or call at 362-0189?


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