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June 12, 2002

After the Snowstorm

Dear Snowboarders:

Watching Sherryl Hobbs Newman, the director of the Department of Motor Vehicles, at yesterday's City Council hearing on the DMV reminded me of the performance of Vanessa Dale Burns, the self-designated “Snow Queen,” the Williams's administration's first director of the Department of Public Works. If you remember, after the DMV failed to clear the roads for weeks after the only moderately big snowstorm DC has had for the past few years, Burns testified that her Department had performed admirably and up to her standards, and the only problem was that DC residents weren't sufficiently educated as to the proper standards by which to judge snow removal. Government service wasn't supposed to be judged by the expectations of citizens; citizens were supposed to lower their expectations of service to the standards set by the government.

Yesterday Newman testified, in the face of numerous horror stories from Councilmembers and citizens about the poor service, mistakes, and abuses of DMV, that her Department and its new Destiny computer system were performing exactly as she expected and up to her standards. The only failure was that DC citizens weren't properly educated about what to expect from DMV. She asked City Council Committee Chairman Carol Schwartz for copies of the citizens' testimony, not so that she could investigate and correct the mistakes made by DMV, but so that she could inform the citizens about the misunderstandings and mistaken impressions they had. I don't often praise Councilmember Graham, but he asked Ms. Newman the right question, the only question that really matters from yesterday's hearing — if she doesn't even recognize that her department has problems, how can she be the right person to correct those problems? On Monday, at a press conference DPW held to preempt yesterday's Council hearing, Mayor Williams again said that he was satisfied with the “progress” at DMV and was pleased with its operations. If he doesn't recognize the problems at DMV, how can he correct them, either?

Two routine housekeeping messages for themail: first, let me repeat, keep it short. Concise. Two or three paragraphs. No longer. If you have something to say that absolutely requires greater length, consider submitting it to the DCWatch web site as an essay. Second, let us stop repeating ourselves on Klingle Road or Klingle Valley. It's time to call a temporary halt to that debate in themail, but let us know when there is something new on that front.

Gary Imhoff 


DC Sports Commission
Ralph Blessing, 

Even though DC as a whole has limited self-rule, there is one local entity that operates as a kingdom unto itself: the DC Sports Commission. Recent news reports about the upcoming Grand Prix race being sponsored by the Commission detail how its finances are a closed book and how its lawyers make their own independent determination as to whether an environmental impact statement is required for such events. If that weren't enough, a Close to Home article in Sunday's Post notes that the Commission is not governed by the city's ABRA (liquor) laws. What next, diplomatic immunity for its staff?


DC Homestead Audit
Theodora Butler, 

Predatory government is just what DC is. I got a tax bill in the mail a week ago telling me I owe taxes plus interest for 1999, 2000, and 2001 because according to their audit I did not live at the property during those years. Their audit consisted of income tax records.

I guess because I have a post office box as a mailing address, than there is no way I could live in a house as well. I am now trying to prove I lived in the property during that time period.


DPW Strikes Again
Victoria McKernan, 

Am I foolish or just delusional to still hope that our city government could show a flicker of logic and integrity, let alone put the interests of its citizens first? Tuesday morning a police officer came to my door to ask if any of the cars parked on Columbia Road in front of our apartment belonged to residents of the building, since they were about to tow them. I went down to check and discovered a street full of heavy equipment and newly posted no parking signs. I pointed out to the officers that the signs had not been posted for the requisite 72 hours, and in fact, I was pretty sure they had not been posted even the night before. I knew this since I walk my dog up and down the street twice a day and had been weeding the front yard the evening before.

The officers explained that DPW claimed they had indeed posted the signs earlier but they had been torn down. These new ones were indeed just put up that morning. Curious — someone had taken the trouble to tear down almost twenty signs? And usually when people do tear down the signs, don't they just rip them off, leaving the tape? There was no trace of old tape on any tree or lamppost. I pointed out that for the signs to be legal they had to have been posted no later than Sunday morning. Even if these sign removers had unpeeled all the duct tape, wouldn't there at least be some adhesive residue after a couple of days of 90 degree heat? I had in fact posted signs myself last week and showed the marks my tape had left. The officer sheepishly agreed with my Nancy Drew analysis, but gave me one of those “I'm just doing my job” sighs. Which is more likely, I persisted, that more than a dozen people chose to ignore posted no parking signs and risk a ticket, or that the DPW screwed up? They acknowledged that the DPW probably screwed up. So, isn't it wrong, in fact illegal to tow these cars? Isn't it actually the same as stealing these cars?

To their credit, the officers were trying to spread the word in surrounding buildings to locate the car owners before they towed the cars. My neighborhood is primarily working-class Hispanic families. Do you really want to make them take a day off work and spend hours on buses trying to get a car back from the impound lot (if anyone can even find it there) when you are acknowledging that they were, most likely, legally parked? The cops were sympathetic, but not however, open to any better solutions. How about towing the cars to the nearby Cardozo Health center parking lot? “We don't do that.” I offered space for at least three of them behind my building. “We don't do that.” If the objective was to clear the street for traffic flow around the construction, wouldn't it make sense to spend one hour towing cars to a nearby parking lot than eight hours towing them one by one to the distant Brentwood lot? “We don't do that.” Could you at least start the towing with the Maryland and Virginia cars (this one block of Columbia Road between 14th and 15th is inexplicably unzoned)? “We don't discriminate.” “I'm not asking you to discriminate,” I replied, “but unless you're bringing out a dozen tow-trucks, you have to start with someone don't you?” Why not leave the 1985 Toyota that probably belongs to some poor construction worker for last? Maybe his wife will get home form her all-night cleaning job in time to get the news. The entire affair was very polite and civil, if vastly unhelpful. To add insult to injury, I learned today that the construction is to lay new underground conduits for cable TV! This was not just another government screw-up causing frustration. This was the government actively wronging its people.


DMV Quotes to Remember and Two News Items
Dorothy Brizill, 

“Fellow citizens, we need to free ourselves from the tyranny of those DMV lines,” Mayor Anthony A. Williams, inaugural address, January 2, 1999. “DC's [new computer] system is the very same system -- tweaked a little to meet the need of District laws — that caused utter chaos and turmoil in Nevada for almost 3 years. Turmoil that resulted in the replacing of the DMV Director, and the State Legislature conducting hearing after hearing, culminating in an October 2000 Post-Implementation Review of the system that confirmed the failures of the Project Genesis design. Failures — I might add — that are eerily similar to those being seen in our Destiny system. . . . However, what concerns me most — and no doubt my colleagues as well — is the fact that the District Government procured a system known at the time to be a colossal failure,” Councilmember Carol Schwartz, June 11, 2002. “If you take a poll, a significant number of people will say that they waited a long time, but their actual transaction time was short,” “DMV is now positioned to be a premier enforcement and collection agency,” and “This process of rebirth for DMV will take time, and not just a few years,” Sherryl Hobbs Newman, June 11, 2002.

Last Friday, Charles F. Holman, III, was fired as the Director of the DC Office of Human Rights. The action was taken by Carolyn Graham, Deputy Mayor for Children, Youth, Families, and Elders following meetings with the office's disgruntled staff and a report from a psychiatrist. Nadine Wilburn, from the Corporation Counsel's Office, is currently serving as the interim director of the OHR.

On Tuesday, Mayor Williams and Office of Planning Director Andrew Altman testified before the DC Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee on the Districts' Anacostia Waterfront Initiative. In his presentation, Altman suggested that the District may prepare a new independent commission, similar to the old Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, be created to oversee the development and management of the waterfront. The commission would likely consist of the eighteen federal and District agencies that currently control or have direct jurisdiction over the banks of the Anacostia River.


Auto Registration Renewal
Tom Whitley, 

It is very unfortunate that so many people have had real trouble renewing auto registration. My report is not the same. I was told that registration renewal forms were no longer being mailed and that I should go down to Indiana Avenue with my present registration, current insurance certificate, and valid driver's license, and my check book. I did that and got in line, a fairly long one, to be assigned a number, and waited about twenty minutes when an officer came up to several of us and said, “If you are seeking auto registration renewal (and zone permit renewal) leave this line and down the hall to room ---.” I did that and waited two minutes to have my turn. I submitted my papers and in two minutes I was out the door, all done, for two years. The new registration sticker goes inside the windshield and included any zone parking right.

By the way, it is a good idea to cover up your month and year stickers on the plates since some people have be ticketed out of state for expired registration. I understand the big hang up is prior debt to the city in excess of $100 as recorded in the computer.


Pray for Eleanor
Phil Carney, 

Recently two civic associations for other neighborhoods posted notices in our neighborhood’s public space. If the good guys don’t respect DC’s littering laws and other neighborhoods; can we expect anyone to?

Last weekend, political posters for Eleanor Holmes Norton went up in our neighborhood. Three months before the primary and five months before the general election! Can Eleanor be so scared of not being reelected that she fails to understand the only way she can lose is to die or be caught in an open air drug market being “counseled” by Barry? Yet she is so panicked over the election that she has to post campaign posters five months early. Please pray for Eleanor.


Parking on a School Playground, Chapter 2
Leila Afzal, 

A few issues back, I wrote to themail readers for help regarding a dangerous situation on a public school playground (school staff have been parking on the playground, moving cars on and off the playground while children are present, etc.). I had written to an talked with the principal, the deputy superintendent, and spoke with our school board representative with no results. I asked for suggestions on what else I could do now, before a child was hurt or worse. Nataki Goodall, of Phil Mendelson's staff, did get in touch with me. Both she and the Councilman went to the school to see the situation first hand (which the deputy superintendent couldn't be bothered to do.) They are writing to Mr. Vance to address the problem. We all recognize that this school year has come to an end. But it is important that the matter be resolved before September.

I wanted to publicly acknowledge Ms. Goodall's proactive attention to this issue. No other public official has shown an interest in protecting our children on the playground. Thank you Ms. Goodall and Mr. Mendelson.


Mendelson Did the Right Thing on Klingle Road
David Culp, Capitol Hill, 

Paul McKenzie wrote in themail on June 9: “Councilmember Phil Mendelson's . . . most recent 'flip-flop' decision on Klingle Road . . . only serves to fuel a 'nimbyism' attitude in some locations west of the park. . . . along comes a single interest group that wants to close a public road. It advocates for essentially one small residential area, taking a narrow position solely in its own interest, to the detriment of the rest of the city.”

As someone who lives “east of the park” and hikes in Rock Creek Park, I strongly support Councilmember Mendelson's effort. Protect Rock Creek Park. Keep Klingle Road closed to cars. See


A Response to Victor Chudowsky
Jeanne Ingram, 

The Klingle Valley Few do only have only a few supporters. Their neighborhood support comes from two Cleveland Park citizen organizations, both of which are spearheaded by the same few people who continue to control the “nimbyism” of that area of Ward 3. As for the Sierra Club, I know many people who are members who very much disagree with the direction that seven executive members decided to take back in 1995, which goes against the main statement for DC “Restore the Core.” I know people who are no longer Sierra Club members because of this decision.

The Coalition to Repair and Reopen Klingle Road has an extremely and overwhelmingly diverse mix of citywide ANCs, businesses, and neighborhood associations. Their grassroots effort covers the need for all of us. Believe me; take a look at the picture on the front of You'll see what I mean. The Mayor can put a park in the Valley -- but that valley belongs to the National Park Service. The road belongs to the people of the District of Columbia and it is the responsibility of the Mayor to maintain all our roads. Klingle Road is not closed, and deserves the same. While I agree with Mr. Chudowsky that the lead abatement is a reflection of the poor record of the city in maintaining our roads and bridges, I would not let my dog or children in that area. The lead is in the soil. The soil is in the valley.

And finally, this road must be built with access for utilities and emergency vehicles, and in order to preserve the public right of way. It must be engineered to accommodate heavy equipment vehicles, utility maintenance vehicles, heavy equipment, and fire and emergency vehicles. So here the Mayor and Councilmember Phil Mendelson want access to hikers, bikers, and midsize dump trucks pulling trailers with back hoes, semi-tractor-trailers, fire trucks, ambulances, and emergency transport vehicles. Surely an average car will be able to use the road. There is no logical reason to deny access to the driving public.


Politics and Public Safety
Juan Mendez, Mt. Pleasant, 

The Berger Group spent two years and $250,000 preparing the Klingle Road Feasibility Study, yet did not consult public safety officials. Since the Study's release, numerous public safety organizations support restoring Klingle Road, including DC Fire Battalions 4 and 5. First Responders and career firefighters such as Battalion Chiefs Johnson and Drumming, Captain Jeffery, Lt. Conway, Deputy Fire Chief Mauer, and Assistant Fire Chief Thompson informed Chief Few that Klingle Road access is needed to fight brush fires in the valley, basement fires in bordering apartment buildings, and fires under the Taft Bridge.

Chief Few initially backed his rank and file, then bowed to political pressure from the Mayor and abandoned his troops in favor of the Study's unsubstantiated conclusions, which Few's officers refute. Not only would Engines 21 and 28 from Battalions 4 and 5 use Klingle Road, EMS ambulances also would use Klingle Road 24/7, a way around Cleveland Park traffic, and the most direct route between the many homes and schools in Woodley Park and the Washington Hospital Center.

Why are we playing politics with public safety and emergency preparedness? And for what? So that we taxpayers can spend $2M on a half-mile jogging path in a lonely, secluded valley for the Klingle Valley Few? For my money, let's fix the road, put back our street lights and build a sidewalk. We'd all be that much safer.


Klingle Roadies Use Innuendo, Ad Hominem Attacks
Ralph Scott, 

Paul McKenzie's recent posting to themail is a great example of how the supporters of repaving Klingle Valley substitute name-calling, innuendo, and red herrings for logic and facts as they wage their relentless campaign to bring back cars to a sensitive stream valley where a paved road should never have been built in the first place. Let's take a closer look at his arguments. McKenzie, like his other roadie letter writing cohorts, accuses the people who support replacing the old road bed with an environmentally friendly recreation trail of nimbyism. This helps distract attention from the fact that the key roadie leaders are actually just a few disgruntled drivers who are irate about losing a favorite shortcut to their children's private schools and the like. If the trail supporters are just a bunch of NIMBY fanatics who “want to keep a private park in their back yards” (which they are not, as Victor Chudowsky's response spells out!), then it's possible to ignore the real environmental arguments for not reopening the closed section of Klingle Road to automobiles.

McKenzie also invokes the closing of Klingle as “one of the reasons we see division in this city,” slyly implying that 1) replacing the old road bed with a recreational trail somehow divides neighborhoods (absurd) and 2) those who want to "divide" the city are probably motivated by racism. This roadie code language has been part of their dishonest bag of tricks from day one, and it's time people started calling them on this outrageous, inflammatory, and nonsensical accusation. A new theme in the roadies' campaign of late is to try to appeal to people dissatisfied with any of Mayor Williams' policies, and to suggest that a pro-environment position on Klingle Valley is somehow wrong-by-association with the Mayor. McKenzie's artful phrasing is that “a substantial number of people in Washington feel the city is headed in the wrong direction,” implying that the Mayor's position on Klingle is a case of us suffering from “a lack of citywide leadership.” Actually, the Mayor's courageous position on protecting Klingle Valley from environmental damage is an example of true leadership: taking a controversial but correct position based on real principle rather than political considerations.

So what are the real issues that the roadies are trying to distract us from discussing? First, the road really does cause serious environmental problems, funneling harmful pollution into Rock Creek (oil, antifreeze, settled exhaust, etc., that leaks out of cars onto the road surface). The road abuts a stream that feeds directly into Rock Creek at the end of the closed portion of Klingle Road. The road bed acts as a funnel for runoff from the road itself, as well as runoff from other roads that connect to Klingle Road upstream. Removing the road along the creek would create an absorbent green buffer for storm runoff from the entire valley, and remove a “sink” for automobile pollution. Furthermore, in summer months, the hot road bed sends warm water into the creek, which depletes oxygen and harms marine and plant life. Without the road, the pollution content of the runoff will be significantly diminished and won't go directly into the water. It will be filtered through soil and vegetation, and the temperature of the water that goes into the creek will be significantly lower. Also, a lot of large, old trees would be killed rebuilding the road.

Contrary to the roadie assertions, the Berger Report (Feasibility Study) goes into a lot of detail about the environmentally harmful impact of the existing road bed and describes significant damage from any reconstruction that might happen. The roadies have been shamelessly distorting the conclusions of this report for several months now, largely unchallenged. Moreover, the money required to rebuild this half mile stretch of little used road (average 1.1 cars per minute in each direction) is huge. It would cost more still to maintain a road that's regularly exposed to flash floods and washouts. The Berger report says it'll cost about $4 million more to rebuild the road than it will cost to build an environmentally sound rec trail. That's money that should be spent in other wards on needed transportation infrastructure. It's unfair for Ward 3 to hog so much of DC's road construction budget. This is true whether District or federal funds are used.

The people campaigning to protect Klingle Valley have spent a lot of time and effort taking our arguments directly to people living in the neighborhoods all around a very wide radius of Klingle valley. We always find overwhelming support for our position wherever we go — Mount Pleasant, Woodley Park, Adams Morgan, Cleveland Park, Columbia Heights, Dupont Circle, Capitol Hill, and Glover Park, just to name a few places we've been doing informational tabling during the past few months. We have collected something like 5,000 petition signatures to date. We don't see any evidence that the pro road side has enough public support to consistently come out in public and try to get signatures or discuss this issue on its merits. None of them wants to endure the opposition their cause would stir up or be forced to defend their cause to the public. So instead, the roadies resort to writing and posting on listservs all over town their nasty, dishonest diatribes full of ad hominem attacks on their adversaries. Shame on them! Every time you read another one of their postings, I hope it reminds you of their desperation and willingness to say anything to smear their opponents.


DC Democratic Party Becoming the Party of the Rich and Famous
Arthur H. Jackson, Jr., 

Growing up in segregated Prince Georges County, Maryland, I faced discrimination daily, and the older I grew, the more I was determined to make a difference in the lives of people, with “oh little faith” and hope “it will get better.” At age 14, I became a volunteer intern under then Senator Steny Hoyer, now a member of Congress organizing communities of African American voters for the Democratic Ticket. Our party was the party of hope and opportunity, for the working people, for African Americans, Women and Young People. Standing up for education and not cutting budgets of educational services and programs.

Today, the DC Democratic Party has become a party controlled by the rich and famous and there is no room for the single mother trying to get off of welfare, no room for the senior citizen beaten daily in her nursing home, not by intruders, but by staff. The DC Democratic Party rejects those who speak up and stand up for that which is right and fair for the people, and reward those who bow and serve the Mayor and his campaign contributors. We can not allow this party to become “The Party of the Rich and Famous.” Progressive Democrats throughout this city, must organize and challenge “weak self-serving leadership in our party, serving only their own personal employment or contract interest.” And I call upon The People not to stay home this election, but to get involved by researching the campaign funding sources of these wealthy Democratic candidates, who can find money to party at the Democratic Convention, but can't find enough money to pay for summer lunches and summer school for our children.

On June 15th, 2002 I will announce a comprehensive Plan to provide a Progressive Agenda to restore “democracy to our party, unite labor workers with small business, and defend the general welfare of all of the people of the District of Columbia.” The event will be the Ward 8 Democrats Meeting at Ketcham School.. All residents are invited to hear my announcement. Meeting begins at 12 noon.


Atlanta Mayor Issues Proclamation Calling for DC Votes in Congress
Patrick Pellerin, 

At the request of US Representative Ray Browne (D-Shadow), Mayor Shirley Franklin of Atlanta, GA has signed a proclamation that "calls upon every official across the nation, including members of Congress, to fully support full voting rights for the residents of the District of Columbia. The denial of full voting rights in the US House of Representatives and of any representation in the US Senate has placed an unacceptable burden on the citizenship rights of the residents of the District of Columbia." This proclamation is a continuation of Representative Browne's outreach program designed to bring constituent pressure on members of Congress. To date the city councils of Chicago, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and San Francisco have passed similar resolutions and the mayors of Baltimore and New Orleans have issued similar proclamations.


The Amendment
Malcolm L Wiseman, Jr., 

[In answer to Stew Reuter] "What's next" is not New York City, Chicago or others who already have "state-ness" vying to be their own state. They don't suffer violations of their human and civil rights the way we here in Washington do, being roped inside the DC Line. They may have internal problems, economic, etc. within their states, but their problem is NOT with their federal government. Many in California, for example, often discuss dividing that elongated state into N-CA and S-CA to solve issues of diverse geography. Perhaps they should do so. After all, stately boundaries have been drawn and redrawn throughout US history to accommodate and embellish the growth of the country. Why do we tarry when it comes to fixing the District clause flaw?

You hit the nail pointing to our one-party predicament. I've long suggested to anyone who listens to register according to their driver license or SS#. If the number is even, remain Democrat, and if it's odd, register Republican. And if you disagree with me, register Independent. Continue to vote any way you want. It is shortsighted to assume Democratic credentials of future congressional representatives of Washington residents. We will discover the strength in participating in the two-party system when we get there. Until that time we need to play games. Methinks it is not “pride” and “reluctance” to be overcome, but prejudice and pompous disregard for the rights of a people, most of whom are dark and descendants of the humans who were made impotent by the slave-conscious US Constitution. Its design has kept us weak, and following its system of amendment, it's near impossible for weaklings to change.

Nobody in this country or its possessions has as little power as we. How is it that in the eyes and minds of our government we are required to continue in this status? Why would we accept this third-class citizenship? Lyndon Johnson would say this an American problem to be solved by Americans. And I would say moreover, that it needs to be solved to the satisfaction of Washington residents and not to expedience. It's about self-determination and self-government, period. Many of us are blinded by attainment of “voting rights,” which is to ask for a promotion from third-class to second-class citizenship. As long as the US possessions keep their tax dollars and govern themselves, they are superior US Citizens to us. But they are second-class, with no vote. With voting rights we would become second-class, with the vote. I don't think we should aspire to that. Like some of the folks on themail who oft sound the hue and cry about potholes, etc., if America doesn't fix this one, I'm outta' here. Or I'll just consider myself an illegal immigrant. I wouldn't move to Maryland to get my rights, and I don't want Maryland to move to me! But, that's just my vote.



Republican Candidate for Ward 3 Councilmember
Cristina Kelly, 

Eric Rojo, decorated veteran and Vietnam helicopter pilot, currently an international business consultant and resident of Ward 3 since 1988, will formally announce his candidacy for the Ward 3 DC Council seat on Flag Day, Friday, June 14, at 10:30 a.m. at Friendship Park, popularly known as Turtle Park (45th and Van Ness Street, NW, off Massachusetts Avenue).


Mayor’s Ward 1 Town Meeting
Clyde E. Howard, Jr., 

The Mayor will be at Tubman Elementary School on 13th Street, NW, on June 17, at 6:00 p.m. The purpose will be a town hall meeting for Ward 1. Discussion items will focus on the Tivoli Square, streetscape, other development projects, education, abandoned vehicles, litter, crime, and parking restrictions.



New Farmers’ and Artists’ Market in Shaw
Alexander Padro, 

A new farmers' market and artists' market, sponsored by Manna Community Development Corporation, is now open at Temperance Row (behind the Public Welfare Foundation/True Reformers' Building at 1200 U Street, NW). The market features fresh produce (organic and conventional) from local farmers, as well as artisan wares from local artists and craftspeople. Adjacent to the U Street/Cardozo Green Line Metro station at 13th and U Streets, the Temperance Row Farmers' and Artists' Market will be open every Wednesday from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m., through October 30, 2002. Special events are being scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month.

Applications are still being accepted from local artists interested in setting up at the market. Volunteers interested in helping the market grow are also welcome. For more information on the market, contact David Haiman at Manna CDC at 232-2915 or



House for Rent
Lea Adams, 

Home sweet home in partially furnished, Wardman-built northwest row house. Quiet neighborhood; 1/2 block to 16th Street; short walk to Carter Barron tennis courts, Rock Creek Park. Spacious and elegant 1st and 2nd floors: 4 BR, 2 1/2 BA, LR with FPL, large front porch, two sun rooms, huge DR. Perfect for quiet, nonsmoking grad students, professionals or family group. (Separate basement already rented.) $2100, negotiable for right tenants. Serious inquiries call 726-4896 for more info.


Silver Spring Sublet
Jon Katz, 

Silver Spring office sublet available: 1400 Spring Street. One to two offices with beautiful park side view. Share conference room with on-site law firm. Our staff accepts your deliveries and greets your visitors. Walk to Metro and District Court. Starting from $500 month to month. Contact Jon Katz, 301-495-4300,



Which Handyman Can?
John Whiteside, john at logancircle dot net

Funny timing -- the Post ran a story on the resurgence of the handyman, just as I was thinking I needed just that - someone to do small jobs around the house. Does anyone have recommendations for someone who can do this in Logan Circle? I'm talking small jobs, not any major electrical or plumbing stuff, the kinds of things you keep meaning to do yourself but never quite get to.


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