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The Washington Post

Wednesday, July 1, 1998

Tony Williams
“Real Record”

“He [Anthony Williams] acknowledges that during the fiscal crisis, he once proposed cutting the Department for the Aging, a decision that he now view as stupid and born of desperation.”

Reprint from Washington Post

Clearly Anthony Williams recommendation to cut senior citizen programs was a mistake, which he now concedes. The District needs a Mayor who is committed to serving the needs of our seniors. Don’t be fooled by Anthony Williams empty rhetoric. Make your vote count for Seniors on election day, September 15, 1998!

Concerned District Seniors


The District of Columbia, Chief Financial Officer, Anthony Williams has proposed several things to prevent city over spending:

  1. Freeze Employee Wages
  2. Close and/or Consolidate Some City Agencies
  3. Abolish City’s Tourism Office
  4. Abolish Intergovernmental Relations
  5. Abolish the Office on Aging

If this proposal is allowed to be implemented, the senior population of this city will have no one to protect and advocate FOR YOU. Thousands will be faced with pain and suffering.

Further, this proposal is in direct violation of the Older Americans Act of 1965. This legislation mandated the establishment of the Office on Aging. This is current law!

To Voice Your Objections Call:

John Hill (202) 504-3400
Anthony Williams (202)727-2476

“DON’T cut spending on the backs of the AGED”

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