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Who is Kevin Chavous?


Chavous believes the city must keep its promises to our seniors and he stood up against proposed cuts in senior programs.


Chavous believes we need to maintain and improve emergency services at D.C. General Hospital so people in that part of the city have a place to go for health care.


Chavous is deeply committed to improving the city's schools, and even though some of his supporters said it was politically risky, he chose to chair the Council's Education Committee to increase his hands-on involvement in school reform.

Chavous understands the school's importance to us and has fought against cutbacks and tuition increase there. His wife graduated from U.D.C.

Chavous believes the school system must begin to provide free public education to children at the age of three, because research has shown that this kind of early intervention gives children a much greater chance of success in life.


Chavous stood up for summer jobs for youth and helped restore funding three years in a row when the Control Board tried to cut the program.


Chavous wrote the law that gives community groups power to shut down crack houses and liquor stores in their neighborhoods.


Chavous has a strong record of supporting working people, and has received the endorsement of the Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO.

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