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Al-Malik Farrakhan, Democratic candidate for
At-Large Councilmember in the
September 10, 2002, Primary election
August 2002

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Campaign Headquarters
1847 7th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 234-4033 Phone/Fax

July 15, 2002


Mr. Al Malik Farrakhan was born Leroy Green on January 28, 1947 in Washington, D.C. He attended the D.C. Public Schools and currently resides in the Petworth neighborhood. Mr. Farrakhan is a community activist who has spent his whole life fighting for social justice, and like so many others he was deemed a criminal for his social position of refusing to accept injustice in any form.

Right now, Mr. Farrakhan is seeking your vote in order to be a voice on the City Council that will put an end to the following crimes that are being committed against the citizens of Washington, D.C.

Taxation without representation.

District residents pay a disproportionate amount of federal taxes, yet we have no true representation because we don't have full voting rights in Congress. District residents should be exempt from paying all federal taxes until we receive statehood and full voting rights.

No true affordable housing for the downtrodden and homeless.

Mr. Farrakhan believes that rent control should be enforced and maintained, and boarded up and abandoned housing should first be developed so that every District resident can have a decent place to live.

Budget cuts for youth summer employment and violence prevention programs.

Summer jobs have been cut down to a miniscule level while recreation centers remained closed or suffer from massive budget cuts. No structured activities and lack of employment opportunities have left our children without adequate guidance and constructive adult supervision. Mr. Farrakhan believes that "an idle mind is the devil's workshop". He also believes that "our children are our future" and "we must teach them well and let them lead the way".

Closing of D.C. General Hospital.

Mr. Farrakhan intends to continue the fight to re-open D.C. General, and block any efforts to develop homes, Olympic facilities, and other commercial development on the historic campus.

Elders being tricked out of homeownership due to tax related matters.

Mr. Farrakhan believes that our elders have taken stake in the District and paid their dues to the city, therefore, no elder should lose their life investment for taxes.

The imposition of the death penalty on our citizens.

Mr. Farrakhan believes that imposition of the death penalty in the District of Columbia is unconstitutional because it is discriminatory, and he will fight every step of the way to assure that it is not imposed upon our citizens.

Environmental racism.

Why are so many toxins and pollutants in the African-Arnerican community? Why is the African-American death rate so high in the District of Columbia? These are key issues which Mr. Farrakhan believes need to be addressed.

The removal of Black residents from Washington. D.C. (due to low wages and unaffordable housing).

Gentrification of the cities predominantly African-American population has escalated over the past four years, as we are pushed further into the suburbs of Maryland and Virginia. Low paying or no paying jobs and a housing market that has priced the original residents out of the city and replaced them with greater opportunities for newcomers. Mr. Farrakhan believes that affordable housing means creating housing opportunities for the citizens who already live here.

Misuse of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).

Mr. Farrakhan believes that the lack of a full and complete compliance with ADA, as well as the continued misuse of ADA funding should be stopped.

No job training for ex-offenders.

Mr. Farrakhan believes that with the return of so many ex-offenders into society, it is incumbent upon each of us to assure that they are well trained and gain meaningful employment, in order that they can become productive contributors and not another recidivism statistic.


Mr. Farrakhan believes that "Welfare to Work" will not work unless we also provide adequate childcare services.

Preservation, modernization, and adquate funding for DC Public Schools.

Mr. Farrakhan believes that we should stop selling our historic schools to developers for pennies on the dollar, bring them all up to code, and then provide them with adequate funding for better teachers salaries, books and equipment. This is the only way we can provide our children with greater opportunities by giving them the best education available. The schools are not failing our children, the politicians are.


Mr. Farrakhan believes that every resident of the District of Columbia deserves adequate healthcare regardless of their ability to pay.


Mr. Farrakhan believes that many of the ills that African-Americans suffer today are a direct result of slavery, and that internal as well as external reparations should made.

Police Brutality.

Mr. Farrakhan believes that the gang in blue mentality still prevails in the District of Columbia, and that more oversight and enforcement against officers who violate their trust with the citizens, should be implemented to curb these unconstitutional practices by law enforcement.

Latino and other Minority Affairs.

Mr. Farrakhan believes that even though many things have been done to improve the conditions and affairs of Latinos and other minorities, not nearly enough has been done. He pledges to be a continued advocate for the rights of Latinos and all minorities in the District.


Committee to Elect Al-Malik Farrakhan for City Council At-Large - Ahmen Assalaam, Chairperson - Dirickson Muhammad, Treasurer

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