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Ann C. Wilcox, Candidate for
Wards 1 and 2 Representative to the Board of Education in the
November 7, 2000, General Election

Parents United for DC Public Schools Questionnaire, October 2000

1. My three priorities for the Board are: 1) Continue to work to achieve >high-quality schools in the DC Public Schools, through ensuring high curriculum standards, testing, and other aspects of a quality education program.2) Monitor to ensure that money and resources are being well-spent; ensure that money is not wasted, and is allocated to provide textbooks, computers and other support that students and teachers require.3) Work to link DCPS students with the rich professional resources of our DC community: support mentoring programs, as well as link community members with students for short-term projects (science fairs, arts and other projects).

2. Parents must be educated and encouraged to become involved in their students' education. They should be informed about the expectations for their children, and assisted in supporting the students' readiness for school (completing homework and other projects, general school readiness). LSRT's should be continued, but they must be encouraged to be independent and effective voices for helping to govern the local school. The input from the LSRT helps parents to feel that they have a voice.

3. The facilities planning process currently underway is probably the correct one: obtaining community input, combined with outside experts and the expertise of the Administration to update and modernize facilities. Demographics should be monitored to ensure sufficient local school space, but magnet programs throughout the city should also be encouraged.

4. I was a school board member from 1994-98, representing Ward II. In that capacity, I was active in the National School Boards Association, and an active committee member. I visited the 19 schools in Ward II regularly, as well as maintaining contact with community and parent groups. I do not have children in DC schools. I am interested in running for the District I seat, because of the experience and learning gained in my first term: I believe the Board is on the "upswing" in terms of effectiveness and credibility and believe I could be a positive influence in that process.

5. Part of my platform during this campaign is the need for the Board of Education - both elected and appointed members - to work together as a team to promote high-quality schools. Board members must work to put the interests of children first, and put personal agendas aside as much as possible. It is important to have the Mayor and City Council members involved and interested in public education - for too long they have left education matters to the Board of Education alone. A consensus around budget, facilities and other matters should be forged in order to ensure the highest quality schools for DC children.

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