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Lenwood “Lenny” Johnson, Candidate for
Wards 1 and 2 Representative to the Board of Education in the
November 7, 2000, General Election

Parents United for the DC Public Schools questionnaire, October 2000

Question 1

My highest priorities for the D.C. Board of Education are:

  • Establish policies which will be helpful in raising the educational skill, and knowledge levels of all D.C students.
  • Establish policies which will be helpful in sending a greater percentage of our students on to college.
  • Establish closer ties with parent-based, teacher-based, and community-based groups in the city.

I will work very hard to achieve these priorities

Question 2

Parents should assist schools in any way that they can. Local School Restructuring Teams should be abolished because they are dysfunctional and serve no useful purpose.

Question 3

The present facilities planning process should be scraped because it has not led to the construction of sorely needed new school buildings or the improvement of existing school buildings.

Question 4

I have bad no personal involvement with D.C. Public Schools, and I do not have children. I am interested in a position on the D.C. Board of Education because I want to assist in raising the educational levels of all students in DCPS.

Question 5

The primary reason needed resources have not been made available to DCPS is that the political leadership in the city have not been vigorous in their efforts to secure needed funding for the Public Schools. For example, Mayor Williams has never appeared before Congressional appropriations committees to request specific funding for DCPS.

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