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Robert B. Hunter, Democratic Candidate for
Ward 7 Councilmember in the
September 12, 2000, Primary

Candidate Q&A, August 2000

Robert B. Hunter: Candidate Q&A

The following is a sampling of issues facing Ward 7, and the perspectives of Ward 7 DC City Council Candidate Robert B. Hunter on those issues:

Issue: Communication and Availability

Q. What processes will you develop to establish continual communication with your constituents and how will you respond to the needs and requests of the citizens of Ward 7?

A. I believe that frequent interaction and meaningful dialog with civic associations arid advisory neighborhood commissions are necessary activities for any council member. In addition to establishing a dialog with such community-based organizations, I will also maintain close contact to my constituency by setting-up a local office in Ward 7 where both my staff and I will be present to provide immediate contact and issue/complaint management. I believe in an open door policy and will employ a back-to-basics approach of oven communication availability, and responsiveness.

Issue: Trash and Waste Removal

Q. What will you do about removal of trash in our area, and what is your position on other waste-related issues facing Ward 7?

A. Waste-related issues may most effectively be addressed by building a strong constituency with the power to generate immediate response and cause actions to keep Ward 7 a cleaner, more sanitary community. Ward 7 is no dumping ground, and my plan would be to translate the votes of today into continued support and activism into the future.

Issue: City Services

Q. How will you improve the quality of city services within Ward 7?

A. In addition to trash and waste removal, other matters involving city services such as public safety and public works must also be addressed. Issues involving city services are often a matter of funding, or lack thereof. I believe that the provision of quality city services should be made available to the citizens within Ward 7 and I will serve as an advocate to promote the equitable distribution of funds for such services.

Issue: Public Safety and Crime Prevention

Q. What will you do about crime in our area?

A. Public safety and crime prevention is partly a matter of funding, and to that end, I will work to ensure sufficient funding to the police departments in our area so that they can adequately patrol our streets and communities. However, in addition to police measures, l will also support community-based measures to promote public safety, such as improvements in street lighting, in addition to after-school and youth recreational programs. In an effort to reclaim our youth, I support a unified youth program between the Department of Recreation and the DC School Board.

Sponsored by The Committee to Elect Robert B. Hunter, DC City Council, Ward 7 (20297-8342)

Issue: Funding

Q. As a council member, what aspects of Ward 7 funding will you affect?

A. The primary issue of funding that I will work to affect is the justification of funding based upon a fair, equitable distribution for all surrounding areas of the city. To this end, I will work to identify those aspects of our community in need of funding, and then actively represent Ward 7 in effectively communicating those needs to the Control Board and Congress: 

Issue: Abandoned Buildings and Residences

Q. What will you do about the numerous abandoned buildings and residences in Ward 7?

A. Abandoned buildings and residences represent a danger to our area, as they are potential havens for illegal activity and present possible health and safety issues within our community. I will institute a complaint management system that will help in identifying such buildings and residences and cause building owners and responsible parties to take action. To this end, I believe that all abandoned commercial and residential dwellings should be subject to removal and replaced by new construction. Such construction will create an attractive, productive environment and a viable tax base for the community. 

Issue: Economic Development in Ward 7

Q. How will you promote positive economic development in Ward 7?

A. All economic development within our area should be designed to improve the quality of living and create a more productive community. I support the construction of more residential housing of high quality and improvement in the existing public education system. The provision of quality housing and viable public schools will promote new entrants into the Ward 7 community, bringing additional families, incomes, and an expanded tax-base. 

Issue: DC Public Charter Schools

Q. What is your view of public charter schools in relation to existing local public schools in the District?

A. I believe that we should maintain not only educational quality, but also an equitable distribution of funds. As long as public charter schools exist, we must provide an equal educational opportunity for both public charter and traditional public school settings. I support the creation public charter school guidelines relating to the operational and administrative aspects of such schools. I believe DC public schools to be a vital part of our future success as a community, and support full, first-class funding for all DC public school children. 

Issue: Recent Closure of DC General

Q. How will you address the recent closure of DC General?

A. I oppose this decision, as it will undoubtedly impact all DC residents, particularly those in Ward 7 and surrounding areas. Such a decision will produce issues in transportation, treatment options, and overcrowding, and will have an adverse affect on the poor. I plan to initiate a serious dialog that will bring this issue to the forefront and place those who would accommodate such a decision under intense scrutiny through my direct participation on the responsible committee. 

Sponsored by The Committee to Elect Robert B. Hunter, DC City Council, Ward 7 (202-397-8342)

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