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Winifred Freeman, Democratic Candidate for
Ward 8 Councilmember in the
September 12, 2000, Primary

Parents United for the D.C. Public Schools Questionnaire
August 2000

1) Since the Mayor appoints four School Board members with the consent of the Council, what qualities will you look for when you approve appointed members?

The qualities which I would look for in the mayoral appointees for the school board would include their familiarity with educational curricula, facilities operation and planning, and budgeting - any qualities which are needed to complement those of the elected school board members.

2) What is the difference between oversight and micro-management of the school system? What is the role of the Council with respect to public schools since some members of the School Board now have a relationship with the Council? How will you assure that the Superintendent is accountable to the School Board rather than pulled between the Mayor, Council and School Board?

Oversight, to me, means that you review reports of activities and see to the implementation of changes which may be needed to improve operations and other accomplishments that are being observed.

The role of the City Council should be one of being a partner. These two groups should be the kind of working relationship which results in positive change. While I am concerned about the degree to which charter schools now characterize our educational infrastructure. I am happy to see that the committee oversight in the area is resulting in more positive results for our children in both the public and charter school. settings. Our children prosper in a structured school environment and both of these settings have that type of environment.

As far as allowing the superintendent to do his or hex job without being torned between each entity, I would have to see how those relationships are now defined and revise the elements which create this kind of turmoil for .the superintendent I would then make   recommendations which appropriately assigns the superintendent's accountability and still have the other entities receive the information which they need to conduct their portion of the responsibility.

3) What steps would you take to see that the school system's operating budget and capital budget are adequately funded to meet students' needs for a high quality educational program? Please include comments on financing for new school construction and rehabilitation and for funding high quality occupational training/career development opportunities which do not now exist.

I would work to reconfigure the architectural-engineering component or division which used to function under the leadership of Willie McGhee, a currently practicing architect.

Currently, the education committee needs to implement a reporting system that accurately identifies what's happening in the schools - children getting books, teachers getting equipment and supplies, etc. - so that the weak aspects of our educational infrastructure are immediately identified for either reinforcement or changes as required. This reporting system should also identify personnel deficiencies which require attention.

Re-establishment of an architectural-engineering division such as the one which existed in the early 1970s (and before) would continually evaluate the schools currently in operation, propose modernization and budget requirements, or facility replacement as required.

This component could also prioritize the capital budget that would be need to be implemented on a year-to-year basis regarding both school rehabilitation and/or modernization.

Occupational training and career development programs which don't currently exist need to be restored. Removing these educational programs from the education budget has contributed to the development of insufficient personnel being available for employment in certain fields, including the technology industry which has developed in recent years.

4) Our older students have such low achievement levels that will not graduate with competitive skills unless they receive additional support. What are you willing to do to help the school system raise achievement at the high school level? Would you accept differentiated diplomas so that students who do not pass requirements and tests receive a diploma that is different from the diploma for students why do pass requirements and tests?

I think our inability to prepare the workforce needed for the jobs available as referenced above has had a domino effect such that it affects our entire student population. We need to institute adult education skill requirement standards which raises all of our students' achievement ratings to the senior high school level. Differentiated diplomas, if implemented, should be time constrained so that an individual has to return to school within one or two years to pass the tests that equip him or her to receive the same diploma awarded other high school graduates. I see some of our young adults and senior citizens now who are either losing their jobs or unable to gain employment at the salary levels needed because they didn't experience enough upward mobility at their place of employment to equip them with skills beyond an entry-level position. Some of these people have spent five-to-twenty-five years in the same position. This is criminal.

5) If you have children, do (did) your children attend D.C. Public Schools?


Which school(s) Son & daughter in grades 1 senior high school. Leckie, Jefferson, P. R. Harris, Anacostia High,and School Without a Walls.

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