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Angie King Corley, Candidate for
Wards 5 and 6 Board of Education Representative in the
November 7, 2000, General Election

Parents United for DC Public Schools Questionnaire, October 2000

What are your three highest priorities for the Board? What will you do about them?

My three highest priorities for the Board are:

(1) Plans for improvement of student achievements in education
(2) Plans for reduced class sizes to at least l5 to 1
(3) Plans for establishment of competitive salary schedules and bonus systems for teachers and principals at all 1evels.

What is the role of parents in the DCPS at both the individual school and city-wide? Should the Local School Restructuring Team be continued and if so, how can they be made more effective?

Local School Restructuring Teams should be continued. To become more effective, we must increase parent participation, improve parent and teacher training and monitor accountability of team activities

What is your view of the facilities planning process now underway?

The facilities planning process underway by the "Committee of 21" is well organized and on schedule for presentation of recommendations in a master plan for building new and modernizing D.C. school facilities. Increased participation by more parents, teachers, and community leaders is needed at community dialogue sessions as recommendations are finalized this year.

What has been your personal involvement with DC Public Schools? Have your children been enrolled and for how long? Why are you interested in this position7

My personal involvement with the Public Schools has been continuously as a teacher, student counselor, and member of the Board of Education (elected three times). All four of my children have attended and graduated D.C. Public Schools. Currently seven of my eight grandchildren are enrolled in D.C. Public Schools in grades Pre-K through 8. My record of total career involvement in DCPS on behalf of our children best represents my interest in educational excellence. I am interested in serving as a member of the Board of Education because I bring knowledge, experience and wisdom to the decision making process required to establish quality education for all students. I have a positive vision of our future school system based on sound principles and knowledge.

How can you avoid the acrimonious relationship between Board members, and between the School Board, Superintendent, Mayor and Council that have prevented a concerted effort to bring to our children's schools all of the resources needed to provide the high quality public education our children need our city needs for them?

If some perceive that "acrimonious relationships" between Board members, the Superintendent, the Mayor and Council may prevent efforts to bring all resources needed to provide quality education to our students, I would suggest we consider mandatory Board training in mediation and conflict resolution techniques.

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